Sven Menke
Sven Menke



Dr. Sven Menke
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Boltzmannstr. 8
85748 Garching bei München

Tel.: +49 89 32354 410
CERN: +41 2276 66615
Cell.: +49 175 2250 211
Fax: +49 89 32354 8410
PGP: publickey.gpg.asc

 OPAL Pubblicazioni  Deutsch English
Venerdi 18 Ottobre 2024 

  inSPIRE:   2013  >   2006  >   2004  >   2000  >   1999  >   1998  >   1997  >   1996  >   1995  >   tutti 
Diploma Thesis

Development of a Data Acquisition System for a Test-Beam Telescope consisting of four Double Sided Silicon Microstrip Detectors (In German),
BONN-IB-94-35, Dec. 1994 (66pp)

Performance of a Beam Telescope using Double Sided Silicon Microstrip Detectors,
P. Fischer (Bonn U.), R. Hammarstrom (CERN), S. Menke, B. Raith (Bonn U.), O. Runolfsson (CERN), N. Wermes (Bonn U.), (inSPIRE), BONN-HE-95-01, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A364 (1995) 224

PhD Thesis

Measurement of the Strong Coupling Constant alpha_s and of the Hadronic Spectral Functions in tau Decays (In German),
(inSPIRE), BONN-IR-98-13, Oct. 1998 (136pp)

Measurement of the Strong Coupling Constant alpha(s) and the Vector and Axial Vector Spectral Functions in Hadronic tau Decays.,
OPAL Collaboration (K. Ackerstaff et al.), (inSPIRE), Eur.Phys.J.C7:571-593,1999, hep-ex/9808019, CERN-EP-98-102, Jun 1998. 35pp,
Spectral Function Data in FORTRAN: spectral.f, Single Spectra Data in FORTRAN: single_spectra.f

OPAL talks

Measurement of the strong coupling constant alpha_s in hadronic tau decays with OPAL,
15. May 1998, SCIPP Seminar, UC Santa Cruz

Measurement of the strong coupling constant alpha_s in hadronic tau decays with OPAL,
21. May 1998, SLAC Experimental Seminar, SLAC

Measurement of the strong coupling alpha_s in hadronic tau Decays with OPAL,
26. May 1998, Instituts Kolloquium, RWTH Aachen

Measurement of alpha_s and the non-strange spectral functions in hadronic tau decays with OPAL,
September 98, TAU98 Santander, Spain, (inSPIRE), Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B76 (1999) 299

Measurement of alpha_s and the non-strange spectral functions in hadronic tau decays with OPAL,
July 99, QCD99 Montpellier, France, (inSPIRE), (slides), Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B86 (2000) 196