Silicon Detectors

The MPI will procure appr. 3000 Silicon detectors for the forward SCT.

Detector types ordered:

Detector type pre-series series for
W12 30 600 Freiburg, NIKHEF
W21 15 775 MPI
W22 15 975 MPI
W31 15 290 Australia
W32 15 290 Australia
total 90 2930

All detectors have been delivered.

Drawings of detector dimensions and positions of fidutial marks are here

More information on detector design, prototyping and tests can be found in the HLL ATLAS page.

The detectors are produced by CiS in Erfurt, Germany.
W21, W22, W31, W32 detectors will be produced on standard silicon, W12 detectors on oxygenated silicon in order to improve radiation hardness.

CiS currents
Detector currents measured at CiS and MPI (at 150V and 350V, normalized to 20 deg.). The acceptance criteria are indicated by arrows.

The detector document for the Endcap Module FDR can be found here