Gender equality at the Max Planck Institute for Physics

The Max Planck Institute for Physics puts its faith in excellent scientific talent, creativity and commitment. We promote our employees regardless of their gender, nationality, religion, cultural origin, sexual identity or physical disability. We are convinced that diversity and versatility are a valuable basis for the cutting-edge research undertaken at the Institute.

We are proud of the culture which prevails at our Institute, where everyone can develop their individual abilities. When implementing equal opportunities, we focus on

  • the development of a gender- and diversity-friendly, inclusive work culture.
  • Reconciling family and career. We support employees who are or become parents.

Dual Career

Young researchers in particular face a dilemma when they are offered a new job: They often have to move to another city or even another country - and live separately from their partners and families. As a result, they often decide against taking a job, even if it would mean a boost to their career. In order to overcome these obstacles, the MPI for Physics supports applicants in finding a job for their partner in Munich or the surrounding area. In addition, the International Dual Career Network (IDCN), which also offers partnerships for the Munich area, is open to partners of MPI employees.

Compatibility of family and work

The MPI for Physics wants to give all employees equal opportunities for a successful career path. For families and single parents, "equality" hinges on regulated and professionally competent care for their children. For this reason, we have entered into a cooperation agreement with an organization that operates eight professionally run daycare centers in Munich and the surrounding area. In the event that it is not possible to attend daycare or school, our employees can bring their children with them and work in our family room. In addition, our employees can access the services of the PME Family Service, which offers a wide range of services, including short-term care by a childminder.

Code of Conduct

The Max Planck Society has developed a comprehensive catalog of rules of conduct that are also binding for our institute. The Code of Conduct is intended to protect all employees from sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence. In addition, it defines regulated procedures for dealing with violations and breaches of the rules.

Women in Science

There are a variety of offerings that address equal opportunities for women in science.