Hanrieder Research Fellowship at the MPI for Physics
There is almost no other scientific research community that has such a strong international network as basic research in physics. The reason for this becomes clear when one looks at experiments currently being conducted in the field of particle physics. In order to realize large-scale projects such as the LHC particle accelerator or observatories such as the CTA, experimental physicists need to coordinate their efforts worldwide and pool their interests. At the same time, theoretical physicists all over the world are working together to research basic open questions about the foundations of our universe and their interactions.
We want to make every effort to support this global collaboration. With the Hanrieder Research Fellowship, researchers at the start of their scientific career are supported. We focus on talented young scientists from countries in Latin America in order to help them gain valuable international research experience. At the same time, our institute will benefit from new perspectives and fresh ideas coming from the students.
Our focus: students from Latin America
The fellowship program is directed at doctoral researchers who are working in Latin America on a topic with links to the research conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP). Interested Master students are given the opportunity to complete a Hanrieder Research Internship at the MPP. Both groups may spend up to six months at the MPP. An excellent command of the English language is required.
The Institute is one of the most highly respected research facilities for basic research in the field of physics, and covers a wide range of topics in theoretical and experimental physics. We ask interested students to get in touch with the scientist named for each topic to discuss suitable research topics.
The program is complementary to the PhD studies offered in the Max Planck Research School on Elementary Particle Physics (IMPRS EPP) in co-operation with the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). All information relevant for students interested in a PhD position can be found at IMPRS EPP.
Hanrieder Foundation for Excellence

The Hanrieder Foundation for Excellence was established in 2015 by Dr. Wolfgang Hanrieder under the auspices of the Max Planck Foundation. One of its aims is to support outstanding junior scientists in gaining valuable experience at leading research centers abroad, and thus to promote the international exchange of excellence.
Whether these talents go into the world from a Max Planck background or whether, coming from far away, they become acquainted with this globally unique organization for basic research, they are to receive support in experiencing new perspectives, establishing contacts, and thus in setting the foundations for a successful international career.
For the first project grant to be awarded within the framework of a Research Fellowship, the founder and doctor of physics Wolfgang Hanrieder selected the Max Planck Institute of Physics (MPP) in Munich.