Café & Kosmos

Café & Kosmos - Talk with the scientists: The event series Café & Kosmos is engaged with current research questions "out of the universe," including the Big Bang, string theory, dark energy, dark matter, and many other topics.

These discussion rounds take place once per month, normally on a Tuesday evening at the Muffatwerk or at the Münchner Volkshochschule.

The organizers of Café & Kosmos are research institutions in Munich and Garching: the Excellence Cluster ORIGINS, the Max Planck Institute for Physics, the MPI for Astrophysics,  the MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, and the SFB 1258 (Neutrinos, Dark Matter, Messengers) at the Technical University of Munich.

A deep look into the hot universe

Café & Kosmos on June 23, 2020

Das eROSITA-Röntgenteleskop liefert den Astronomen die schärfste und detaillierteste Ansicht des heißen Universums, die es je gab. Gebaut am Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching und gestartet im Juli 2019 an Bord einer…

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What the heck is String Theory?

Café & Kosmos on May 26, 2020

Although restaurants are likely to open soon, we do not know when we be able to present our Café & Kosmos in the usual surroundings again. Therefore we decide to offer our next event in an online video conference.


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eROSITA montage (Picture: MPE)

eROSITA: X-ray eyes look at the sky

Café & Kosmos on April 07, 2020

Im Juli 2019 startete die Raumsonde Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma vom Kosmodrom in Baikonur zu einer L2-Umlaufbahn, 1,5 Millionen Kilometer von der Erde entfernt. Mit an Bord ist das Röntgenteleskop eROSITA, das unter der Leitung des Max-Planck-Instituts…

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