Café & Kosmos

Café & Kosmos - Talk with the scientists: The event series Café & Kosmos is engaged with current research questions "out of the universe," including the Big Bang, string theory, dark energy, dark matter, and many other topics.

These discussion rounds take place once per month, normally on a Tuesday evening at the Muffatwerk or at the Münchner Volkshochschule.

The organizers of Café & Kosmos are research institutions in Munich and Garching: the Excellence Cluster ORIGINS, the Max Planck Institute for Physics, the MPI for Astrophysics,  the MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, and the SFB 1258 (Neutrinos, Dark Matter, Messengers) at the Technical University of Munich.

Image: NASA-JPL-Caltech / A. Ruf

Astrochemical Evolution: From Stars to Life

Café & Kosmos on 20 September 2022

Is there life in space? What does that mean exactly, to search for life in space? We know of only one planet on which life has developed. Accordingly, researchers initially assume that life on other planets requires conditions similar to those on…

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Collision event with Higgs boson in the ATLAS detector (Photo: ATLAS/CERN)

Café & Kosmos: 10 Years of the Higgs Boson - Review and Perspective

Café and Kosmos on July 19, 2022

On July 4, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Higgs discovery. Dr. Dominik Duda from the Max Planck Institute for Physics takes this opportunity to review the first 10 years of research on this special particle. The Higgs boson is the "visible"…

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The dark, heavy heart of the Milky Way

Café & Kosmos on 14 June 2022

Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, stretches across the night sky like a blurry ring of lights across the entire firmament. Deep inside the galaxy, hidden by dense clouds of gas and dust, stars circle around an extremely massive, dark object - a…

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