Press releases

This year the Day of open Doors at the MPP takes place on a digital platform. (Foto: Sorana Scholtes/MPP)

Visitors meet elementary particles – online

Saturday, June 26, 2021: Open day at the Max Planck Institute for Physics

On June 26, the Max Planck Institute for Physics will be hosting another open day. The Institute is virtually opening its doors and offering the general public the opportunity to experience experiments and lectures live, to visit laboratories and workshops online, and to discuss their research with the various employees of the Institute.

“With this event format, we can address guests from all over Germany and beyond”, says Prof. Dr. Dieter Lüst, Managing Director of the Institute. “Our last Open House was held on-site in 2019. This year, we will virually open the Institute to guests.” The event will run on the Gather.Town platform, where various MPP labs and workshops can be visited as digital sites.

The employees of the Institute can be found live in the respective rooms, where they will present their work. Because the visitors will connect with camera and microphone, they can speak directly with the researchers and ask questions. In addition to science, the public can also learn about training opportunities at the Institute – such as in industrial mechanics.

To register for the event, visit:

The labs and workshops can be visited live from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., and the lectures will take place from 11:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. and 1:30 – 5:00 p.m. The virtual Institute is open from 10:30 a.m.

Lecture program (11:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. and 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.)

In their talks, young researchers will discuss topics such as string theory and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and report on their various experiments in particle physics.

What can be seen in the laboratories and workshops? (Visit 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.)

  • AWAKE: Look ahead to the next generation of particle accelerators, where electrons surf a plasma wave.
  • ATLAS:  How are the proton collisions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN evaluated – and what do they tell us? The MPP is also developing and designing new detectors for the LHC of the future.
  • CRESST: The search for dark matter: What unknown particles does it consist of – and why can they be detected only at extremely low temperatures?
  • COSINUS – even more dark matter: A detector developed at MPP will verify the only dark matter signal to date.
  • KATRIN: The world’s largest balance measures the mass of the lightest particles: neutrinos. In addition, new neutrino species are to be discovered – with the help of a small additional experiment, which will soon be launched into space.
  • MADMAX: So far, the axion particle exists only in theory. But researchers hope to track it down in a highly sophisticated experiment.
  • MAGIC and CTA: A look into the past: How telescopes record high-energy gamma rays from space and how we can use them to find out what is happening in stellar explosions or gigantic black holes.
  • Workshops: Experiments are teamwork: Our Mechanics Department shows how these are planned, designed, and assembled. And right next door in the training workshop, trainees will present their exciting projects.

The complete program (lectures and visits to laboratories and workshops):