Press releases


Three MPP doctoral candidates selected for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Learning from Nobel Prize winners

Lena Funcke, Maximilian Totzauer and Sebastian Zell of the Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) have been granted a special honor: Together with around 400 other young scientists from 80 countries, the two doctoral candidates will take part in the…

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An accelerator starts its comeback – first rounds for particles in the SuperKEKB

First signs of life for the particle accelerator SuperKEKB: Lately electrons and positrons have begun making their rounds in the modernized facility of the Japanese research center KEK. The first collisions electrons and positron beams are expected…

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How to accelerate particles on a wakefield: AWAKE key technology installed at CERN

How can accelerator experiments reach ever-higher energies? The AWAKE project uses a completely new technology to increase energies produced in particle accelerators by an order of magnitude. A key component was now put into place at CERN: a…

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Eintauchen in die Welt der Teilchenphysik – Schülerforschungstag am 25. Februar 2016

International Particle Physics Masterclasses 2016

Was erforschen Teilchenphysiker? Wie gewinnen sie ihre Erkenntnisse? Am 25. Februar 2015 können Schülerinnen und Schüler einen Tag lang Teilchenphysik "live" erleben. Dazu laden das Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, die Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität…

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Dispatches from the “middle ages” of the universe: MAGIC telescopes measure gamma radiation from a remote galaxy

For the first time, scientists have observed gamma radiation from a well-known distant galaxy. In the center of the active galaxy PKS 1441+25 resides a massive black hole, which is surrounded by a luminous disk of matter. The latest observation leads…

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