There are many questions surrounding the elementary particle neutrino, in particular regarding its mass. Physicists are also interested in whether besides the “classic” neutrinos there are variants such as the so-called sterile neutrinos. The KATRIN…
The Belle II detector records about 5,000 collision events per second. However, only a fraction of these are of interest for physical questions. In order to distinguish the real signals from unusable data, the experiment uses “triggers”. Since the…
Until now, all experiments have been unable to detect the mysterious dark matter. All? Not quite. The DAMA experiment has been providing reliable signals for more than 20 years. The problem: To speak of a discovery in science, signals of dark matter…
The search for neutrinoless double-beta decay continues with new LEGEND experiment
The GERDA experiment designed to prove the existence of neutrinoless double beta decay is coming to an end. The research collaboration has now evaluated the full data set produced by the experiment and published it in Physical Review Letters. Even…
Whether axions exist is still up for debate. If they do exist, two open questions in particle physics could be resolved: The puzzle of what dark matter is made of – and the question of why the strong interaction, one of the four known forces in the…