The MADMAX experiment: searching for axion dark matter

The axion is one of the few hypothetical particles that can solve two major problems in physics: “What is the nature of dark matter?” and “why the strong interaction is invariant under time reversal?” (the strong CP problem). Scientists working on the recently initiated MADMAX (Magnetized Disc and Mirror Axion Experiment) project are looking for this fascinating new particle.

Axions would be unlike any of the known particles: cosmological models suggest that the axion’s mass would be between one microelectronvolt and one millielectronvolt, much lighter than even neutrinos, the lightest of known massive particles.

MADMAX would take advantage of the quantum mechanical mixing of particles — the ability of certain particles to take on the properties of other particles. In a static magnetic field, an axion behaves a little bit like a photon, developing a small electric field. The stronger the magnetic field, the more “photon-like” the axion becomes. If we could detect this electric field, we could verify the existence of dark matter axions.

Dielectric media in a strong magnetic field

Pivotal to detecting this electric field is the effect a change in dielectric media has on the axion. Dielectrics are simply non-conducting substances, like air, sapphire or plastic, though this also occurs in a mirror. The axion’s tiny electric field is broken at the boundary between the two media, resulting in electromagnetic radiation (microwaves) being emitted.

These electromagnetic waves are emitted at right angles from surface of the interface, allowing one to measure them by focusing the radiation into a detector. As the frequency of the radiation is given by the mass of the axion, cosmological considerations suggest that it could lie between 0.25 and 250 gigahertz. Unfortunately, even a sharp change in interface (as given by a one square meter mirror) inside a very powerful 10 Tesla magnetic field is not enough to see axions. The signal would only be a paltry 10-27 watts, beyond detectibility even with the most sensitive detectors. 

Boosting the signal: dielectric haloscopes

To search for axions, we must have some way of boosting the signal. Fortunately, this conversion of axions to microwave radiation would happen at any change of media.

By having many dielectric disks, one can combine the electromagnetic waves generated at multiple interfaces. In addition, reflections between the disks can cause resonance effects, further amplifying the signal. By carefully positioning the disks, one can use these effects coherently to amplify the conversion of axions to photons in a specific frequency range, and thus search a range of axion masses. Such a device is called a “dielectric haloscope”.

This is the plan of the MADMAX experiment: to boost the signal by using 80 dielectric disks in addition to the mirror, each with an area of one square meter and a high refractive index. The disks have to be positioned with micrometer precision. This setup will be contained in a 10 Tesla magnetic field — by comparison a simple fridge magnet is only about 0.05 Tesla. Scientists plan to use radiometers to detect the microwaves.

By using this many disks, one could achieve a signal that is tens or hundreds of thousands times stronger than a single mirror. This would give a signal in the order of 10-23 watt, which can be detected with current detector technology. 

Promising approaches

The underlying principle has already been tested in initial experimental setups. While lacking a magnet, these setups had up to five sapphire disks (20 centimeters in diameter).  With this kind of setup, it was possible to create an interference effect with the necessary precision and size. A dummy signal in the order of 10-23 watt was detected in a week-long measurement.

These results have been so promising that an interest group has formed to realise a dielectric haloscope in a full scale experiment. Groups from the following research institutions are currently participating in the project:

  • Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), France
  • DESY Hamburg, Germany
  • MPI for Physics, Munich, Germany
  • MPI for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany
  • Néel Institute, Grenoble, France
  • RWTH Aachen, Germany
  • University of Hamburg, Germany
  • University of Tübingen, Germany
  • University of Zaragoza, Spain

The MPI is taking on the development of the radiometer in the 10 to 50 gigahertz frequency range, as well as the construction and characterisation of the disk system.


MADMAX tests at CERN. The picture shows the experiment before dismantling. The nitrogen-filled balloon has an important task: it helps to bring the experiment, which has been cooled down to almost -270 degrees, back to room temperature (Photo: CERN)

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Olivier Rossel at a meeting of the MADMAX team in Marseille (Photo: O. Rossel)

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Setup of the MADMAX experiment at the Max Planck Institute for Physics (D. Strom/MPP)

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Test setup of the MADMAX experiments: At the transition between air and the disc material, the photon fraction generates radio waves that can be measured (Photo: MADMAX Collaboration)

Search for axions: MADMAX test setup at CERN

Whether axions exist is still up for debate. If they do exist, two open questions in particle physics could be resolved: The puzzle of what dark matter is made of – and the question of why the strong interaction, one of the four known forces in the…

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Signing of the contract at DESY in Hamburg, the designated location of the new experiment: Dr. Béla Majorovits, spokesperson of the MADMAX collaboration, Prof. Dr. Erika Garutti (Universität Hamburg) and Prof. Dr. Allen Caldwell, director at the Max Planck Institute for Physics (from left).

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Searching for solar axions: The CAST experiment

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Test setup of the experiment with sapphire plates. In the future, 80 lanthanum aluminate disks will allow the detection of axion-photon-conversion.

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Byun, HeeSu, Dr. Postdoc heesu.byun 327 A.2.69
Caldwell, Allen, Prof. Dr. Director allen.caldwell 529 A.2.51
Diehl, Johannes PhD Student johannes.diehl 464 A.2.75
Dvali, Gia, Prof. Dr. Director gia.dvali 306 A.3.41
Döbrich, Babette, Dr. Senior Scientist babette.doebrich 205 A.3.95
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Wacker, Ina Secretary ina.wacker 207 A.2.49
Zaitseva, Eugenie Student eugenie.zaitseva 337 A.2.73

A new experimenal approach to probe QCD axion dark matter in the mass range above 40 μeV
The MADMAX Collaboration
accepted for publication by The European Physical Journal C (EPJ C)

Dielectric Haloscopes: A New Way to Detect Axion Dark Matter
The MADMAX Working Group: Allen Caldwell, Gia Dvali, Bela Majorovits, Alexander Millar, Georg Raffelt, Javier Redondo, Olaf Reimann, Frank Simon, Frank Steffen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 091801 (2017)

Dielectric Haloscopes to Search for Axion Dark Matter: Theoretical Foundations
Alexander J. Millar, Georg G. Raffelt, Javier Redondo, Frank D. Steffen
JCAP, 061 (2017)

MADMAX: A new Dark Matter Axion Search using a Dielectric Haloscope
Béla Majorovits, Javier Redondo for the MADMAX Working Group (A. Caldwell, G. Dvali, C. Gooch,  Contributed to the 12th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Jeju Island, South Korea, June 20 to 26, 2016

From Resonant to Broadband Searches for WISPy Cold Dark MatterJoerg Jaeckel, Javier RedondoPhys. Rev. D 88, 115002 (2013)  arXiv:1308.1103