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Search response: 7999 publications match your query. Listing starts with latest publication first: (7651 - 7660)
MPP-2002-182 Search for Deconfinement in NA49 at the CERN SPS, NA49 Collaboration, P. Seyboth et al., V. Eckardt, P. Filip, et al., Heavy Ion Phys. 15 (2002) 257-268, hep-ex/0206046 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
[NA49], [Conference-Paper]
MPP-2002-181 Energy Dependence of Pion and Kaon Production in Central Pb+Pb Collisions, The NA49 Collaboration, S. V. Afanasiev et al., V. Eckardt, P. Filip, et al., Phys.Rev.C 66 (2002) 054902, nucl-ex/0205002 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
[NA49], [Article]
MPP-2002-180 Lambda production in central Pb+Pb collisions at CERN-SPS energies, NA49 Collaboration, A. Mischke et al., V. Eckardt, P. Filip, et al., J.Phys.G 28 (2002) 1761-1768, nucl-ex/0201012 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
[NA49], [Article]
MPP-2002-179 Cascade and anti-cascade production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon, The NA49 Collaboration, S.V. Afanasiev et al., V. Eckardt, P. Filip, et al., Phys.Lett.B 538 (2002) 275-281, hep-ex/0202037 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
[NA49], [Article]
MPP-2002-178 Vermeidung von Hillock-Formation im Halbleiterprozess von grossflächigen Röntgen- und Teilchendetektoren, Andreas Hawel, (Full text), FH München, München (2002-03).
[Semiconductor Detectors], [Thesis]
MPP-2002-177 The Inclusive Radiative B to Xs Gamma Decay in the Standard Model, Ulrich Haisch, (Full text), TU München, München (2002-10-22).
[Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [PhD-Thesis]
MPP-2002-176 Imaging Spectrometers for Future X-ray Missions, L. Strüder, G. Hasinger, J. Kollmer, N. Krause, et al., (Full text), Proc.SPIE 4497 (2002) 41-49.
[Semiconductor Detectors], [Conference-Paper]
MPP-2002-175 Low-Temperature Direct Dark Matter Searches, P. C. F. Di Stefano, astro-ph/0202099 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
[CRESST], [Conference-Paper]
MPP-2002-174 Development of 300 g scintillating calorimeters, T. Frank, G. Angloher, M. Bruckmayer, C. Cozzini, et al., (Full text), AIP Conf.Proc. 605 (2002) 501-504.
[CRESST], [Conference-Paper]
MPP-2002-173 High Speed, Large Format X-ray CCDs for ESA's XEUS Mission, L. Strüder, H. Soltau, S. Bonerz, H. Bräuninger, et al., (Full text), Proc.SPIE 4497 (2002) 61-69.
[Semiconductor Detectors], [Article]