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    Search response: 7922 publications match your query. Listing starts with latest publication first: (3161 - 3170)

    MPP-2015-379 Results on light dark matter particles with a low-threshold CRESST-II detector, The CRESST Collaboration, G. Angloher, A. Bento, C. Bucci, et al., Eur.Phys.J.C 76 (2016) 25, arxiv:1509.01515 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [CRESST], [Article]

    MPP-2015-378 Probing low WIMP masses with the next generation of CRESST detector, The CRESST Collaboration, G. Angloher, A. Bento, C. Bucci, et al., arxiv:1503.08065 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [CRESST], [Other]

    MPP-2015-377 Particle Discrimination in TeO2 Bolometers using Light Detectors read out by Transition Edge Sensors, K. Schäffner, G. Angloher, F. Bellini, N. Casali, et al., Astropart.Phys. 69 (2015) 30-36, arxiv:1411.2562 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [Experimental Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2015-376 QCD Amplitudes: new perspectives on Feynman integral calculus, Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Moriond QCD , 50th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions (2015) 139-144, arxiv:1507.03226 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2015-375 Generalised Unitarity for Dimensionally Regulated Amplitudes, W. J. Torres Bobadilla, A. R. Fazio, P. Mastrolia, E. Mirabella, Nucl.Part.Phys.Proc. 267-269, X Latin American Symposium of High Energy Physics (2015) 150-157, arxiv:1505.05890 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2015-374 Automated Computation of Scattering Amplitudes from Integrand Reduction to Monte Carlo tools, Hans van Deurzen, Gionata Luisoni, Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Giovanni Ossola, Zhibai Zhang, (Full text), Nucl.Part.Phys.Proc. 267-269, X Latin American Symposium of High Energy Physics (2015) 140-149, (External full text link).
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2015-373 Scattering Amplitudes at LHC , Pierpaolo Mastrolia, (Full text), Nucl.Part.Phys.Proc. 267-269, X Latin American Symposium of High Energy Physics (2015) 131-139, (External full text link).
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2015-372 Off-shell Currents and Color-Kinematics Duality, Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Amedeo Primo, Ulrich Schubert, William J. Torres Bobadilla, Phys.Lett.B 753 (2016) 242-262, arxiv:1507.07532 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2015-371 IceCube-Gen2 - The Next Generation Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole: Contributions to ICRC 2015, The IceCube-Gen2 Collaboration, M. G. Aartsen, K. Abraham, M. Ackermann, et al., arxiv:1510.05228 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [Astroparticle Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2015-370 3-flavor and 4-flavor implications of the latest T2K and NO$\nu$A electron (anti-)neutrino appearance results, Antonio Palazzo, arxiv:1509.03148 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [Astroparticle Physics], [Article]