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    Search response: 8138 publications match your query. Listing starts with latest publication first: (7581 - 7590)

    MPP-2003-123 Radiative corrections to scalar-fermion pair production in high energy e+e- collisions, A. Arhrib, W. Hollik, (Full text), JHEP 0404 (2004) 073, hep-ph/0311149 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2003-123, LPHEA-03-09, inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2003-122 Static potential, force, and flux-tube profile in 4D compact U(1) lattice gauge theory with the multi-level algorithm, Yoshiaki Koma, Miho Koma, Pushan Majumdar, Nucl.Phys.B 692 (2004) 209-231, hep-lat/0311016 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2003-122, inSPIRE entry.
    [Field Theory], [Article]

    MPP-2003-121 The scalar meson sector and the sigma, kappa problem, Wolfgang Ochs, hep-ph/0311144 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2003-121, inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2003-120 End-cap Modules for the ATLAS SCT, Richard Nisius, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 530 (2004) 44-49, physics/0312032 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2003-120.
    [ATLAS], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2003-119 Bottom Quark Mass Determination from low-n Sum Rules, Gennaro Corcella, Andre H. Hoang, Nucl.Phys.B (Proc.Suppl.) 133, QCD 03 (2004) 186-189, hep-ph/0311004 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2003-119, inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2003-117 Precision Drift Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, S. Mohrdieck-Möck, (Full text), EPS 2003 (2003).
    [ATLAS], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2003-115 Measurements of Jet and Multijet Cross Sections with the CDF Detector, Matthias Toennesmann, Eur.Phys.J.C 33, EPS-HEP 2003, Aachen, Germany, July 17-23, 2003 (2004) S422-S424, hep-ex/0310055 (abs), (pdf), (ps), FERMILAB-Conf-03/354-E, MPP-2003-115, inSPIRE entry.
    [CDF], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2003-114 Top Pair Production at Threshold and Effective Theories, A. H. Hoang, Acta Phys.Polon.B 34 (2003) 4491-4509, hep-ph/0310301 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2003-114, inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2003-113 Phenomenological Aspects of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Pavel Fileviez Perez, (Full text) (2003) (2003-20-06), hep-ph/0310199 (abs), (pdf), (ps).
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [PhD-Thesis]

    MPP-2003-112 Electroweak corrections to e+ e- -> nu anti-nu H and e+ e- -> t anti-t H, A. Denner, S. Dittmaier, M. Roth, M.M. Weber, (Full text), Eur.Phys.J.C 33, EPS conference, Aachen, 2003 (2004) S635-S637, hep-ph/0310183 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2003-112, inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]