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Search response: 8138 publications match your query. Listing starts with latest publication first: (7431 - 7440)
MPP-2004-28 Prospects of accelerator and reactor neutrino oscillation experiments for the coming ten years, Patrick Huber, Manfred Lindner, Mark Rolinec, Thomas Schwetz, Walter WInter, (Full text), Phys.Rev.D 70 (2004) 073014, hep-ph/0403068 (abs), (pdf), (ps), TUM-HEP-545/04, MPP-2004-28, inSPIRE entry.
[Theoretical Physics], [Article]
MPP-2004-27 Commissioning and first tests of the MAGIC telescope, C. Baixeras, D. Bastieri, C. Bigongiari, O. Blanch, et al., (Full text), Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 518 (2004) 188-192.
[MAGIC], [Article]
MPP-2004-26 Jet-studies and $\alpha_s$-determinations at HERA, Gerd W. Buschhorn, (Full text), hep-ex/0402038 (abs), (pdf), (ps).
[H1], [Article]
MPP-2004-25 Electroweak corrections to $gamma Z$ production at hadron colliders, Wolfgang Hollik, Christoph Meier, (Full text), Phys.Lett.B 590 (2004) 69-75, hep-ph/0402281 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2004-25, PSI-PR-04-03, inSPIRE entry.
[Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Article]
MPP-2004-24 Observations of 54 Active Galactic Nuclei with the HEGRA System of Cherenkov Telescopes, The HEGRA Collaboration, F. Aharonian, A. Akhperjanian, M. Beilicke, Astron.Astrophys. 421 (2004) 529-537, astro-ph/0401301 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
[HEGRA], [Article]
MPP-2004-23 Produktion seltsamer neutraler Teilchen in tiefinelastischer Streuung bei HERA, Risler Christiane, (Full text), Universitaet Hamburg, Hamburg (2004).
[H1], [PhD-Thesis]
MPP-2004-22 Expansion around half-integer values, binomial sums and inverse binomial sums, Stefan Weinzierl, J.Math.Phys. 45 (2004) 2656-2673, hep-ph/0402131 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
[Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Article]
MPP-2004-21 Physical renormalization condition for the quark-mixing matrix, A. Denner, E. Kraus, M. Roth, (Full text), Phys.Rev.D 70 (2004) 033002, hep-ph/0402130 (abs), (pdf), (ps), BN-TH-01-2004, MPP-2004-21, PSI-PR-04-01, inSPIRE entry.
[Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Article]
MPP-2004-14 Anatomy of Prominent B and K Decays and Signatures of CP-Violating New Physics in the Electroweak Penguin Sector, Andrzej J. Buras, Robert Fleischer, Stefan Recksiegel, Felix Schwab, Nucl.Phys.B 697 (2004) 133-206, hep-ph/0402112 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-PH-TH/2004-020, TUM-HEP-540/04, MPP-2004-14, inSPIRE entry.
[Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Article]
MPP-2004-12 Hyperelliptic Theta-Functions and Spectral Methods II, J. Frauendiener, C. Klein, (Full text).
[Field Theory], [Article]