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    Search response: 8152 publications match your query. Listing starts with latest publication first: (8141 - 8150)

    MPP-2000-6 Transverse and Longitudinal Bose Einstein Correlations in hadronic Z0 Decays, The OPAL collaboration, G. Abbiendi et al., Eur.Phys.J.C 16 (2000) 423-433, hep-ex/0002062 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-EP/2000-04, inSPIRE entry.
    [OPAL], [Article]

    MPP-2000-5 Z boson pair production in e+e- collisions at sqrt(s) = 183 and 189 GeV, The OPAL collaboration, G. Abbiendi et al., Phys.Lett.B 476 (2000) 256-272, hep-ex/0003016 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-EP-2000-017, inSPIRE entry.
    [OPAL], [Article]

    MPP-2000-4 Inklusive Multiplizität geladener Teilchen beim HERA-B Fixed-Target Experiment, Thomas Perschke, (MPI-PhE/2000-31), (Full text), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München (2001-02-08).
    [HERA-B], [PhD-Thesis]

    MPP-2000-3 Lattice artefacts and the running of the coupling constant, Adrian Patrascioiu, Erhard Seiler, (MPI-PhT/2000-34), Phys.Rev.D 66 (2002) 034502, hep-lat/0009005 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPI-PhT/2000-34, inSPIRE entry.
    [Field Theory], [Article]

    MPP-2000-2 Percolation and the existence of a soft phase in the classical Heisenberg model, Adrian Patrascioiu, Erhard Seiler, (MPI-PhT/2000-45), J.Statist.Phys. 106 (2002) 811-826, hep-th/0011199 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPI-PhT/2000-45, AZPH-TH/00-03, inSPIRE entry.
    [Field Theory], [Article]

    MPP-2000-1 The QCD and Standard Model Working Group: Summary Report from Les Houches, P. Aurenche, C. Balazs, R.D. Ball, T. Binoth, et al., hep-ph/0005114 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-1999-2 Radiation hard strip detectors for large-scale silicon trackers, L. Andricek, D. Hauff, J. Kemmer, P. Lükewille, et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 436 (1999) 262-271, (External full text link).
    [Semiconductor Detectors], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-1999-1 ATLAS irradiation studies of n-in-n and p-in-n silicon microstrip detectors, P. Allport, L. Andricek, C. Buttar, J. Carter, et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 435 (1999) 74-79, (External full text link).
    [Semiconductor Detectors], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-1998-1 Single-sided p+n and double-sided silicon strip detectors exposed to fluences up to 2×10^14/cm^2 24 GeV protons, L Andricek, T Gebhart, D Hauff, E Koffeman, et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 409 (1998) 184-193, (External full text link).
    [Semiconductor Detectors], [Article]

    MPP-1997-1 Quantisierung gravitativerModelle mit Dualit"atstransformationen, H.R. Hollmann, (Full text), TU Muenchen, Muenchen (1996-12-18).
    [Field Theory], [PhD-Thesis]