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    Search response: 8138 publications match your query. Listing starts with latest publication first: (7501 - 7510)

    MPP-2003-229 A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, The LEP Collaborations, ALEPH Collaboration, DELPHI Collaboration, L3 Collaboration, et al., hep-ex/0312023 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-EP/2003-091, LEP-EWWG/2003-02, inSPIRE entry.
    [OPAL], [Article]

    MPP-2003-228 Flavour independent search for Higgs bosons decaying into hadronic final states in e+e- collisions, The OPAL collaboration, G. Abbiendi et al., Phys.Lett.B 597 (2004) 11-25, hep-ex/0312042 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-EP/2003-081, inSPIRE entry.
    [OPAL], [Article]

    MPP-2003-227 Measurement of the partial widths of the Z into up- and down-type quarks, The OPAL collaboration, G. Abbiendi et al., Phys.Lett.B 586 (2004) 167-182, hep-ex/0312043 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-EP/2003-082, inSPIRE entry.
    [OPAL], [Article]

    MPP-2003-226 W Boson Polarisation at LEP2, The OPAL collaboration, G. Abbiendi et al., Phys.Lett.B 585 (2004) 223-236, hep-ex/0312047 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-EP/2003-088, inSPIRE entry.
    [OPAL], [Article]

    MPP-2003-225 Search for Chargino and Neutralino Production at sqrt(s) = 192-209 GeV at LEP, The OPAL collaboration, G. Abbiendi et al., Eur.Phys.J.C 35 (2004) 1-20, hep-ex/0401026 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-EP/2003-090, inSPIRE entry.
    [OPAL], [Article]

    MPP-2003-223 Shower Production by Highly Energetic Muons, Oliver Kortner, Mario Deile, (Full text).
    [ATLAS], [Article]

    MPP-2003-222 Relativistic resonances as non-orthogonal states in Hilbert space, W. Blum, H. Saller, (Full text), Eur.Phys.J.C 28 (2003) 279-295.
    [Theoretical Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2003-221 The Impact of Universal Extra Dimensions on B -> X_s gamma, B -> X_s gluon, B -> X_s mu^+ mu^-, K_L -> pi^0 e^ +e^-, and epsilon'/epsilon, Andrzej J. Buras, Anton Poschenrieder, Michael Spranger, Andreas Weiler, (MPI-PhT/2003-26), Nucl.Phys.B 678 (2004) 455-490, hep-ph/0306158 (abs), (pdf), (ps), TUM-HEP-512/03, MPI-PhT/2003-26, inSPIRE entry.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2003-220 Very High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy, E. Lorenz, (Full text), Nucl.Phys.B (Proc.Suppl.) 114 (2003) 217-232.
    [MAGIC], [Article]

    MPP-2003-213 Directed and elliptic flow of charged pions and protons in Pb+Pb collisions at 40 and 158A GeV, S.V. Afanasiev et al., V. Eckardt, N. Schmitz, P. Seyboth, Phys.Rev.C 68 (2003) 034903, nucl-ex/0303001 (abs), (pdf), (ps), inSPIRE entry.
    [NA49], [Article]