The ATLAS Inner Detector Research Group at MPP

This page lists the presently active members of the group together with the former members.

Active Group Members

Name Position Field of work
Dr. Shudhashil Bharthuar PostDoc Pixel detector upgrade for the HL-LHC
Top quark physics analysis
Paul Düerkop Working Student Pixel detector upgrade for the HL-LHC
Dr. Changqiao Li PostDoc Top quark mass measurements
Pixel detector upgrade for the HL-LHC
Andrii Povsten Working Student Pixel detector upgrade for the HL-LHC
Elia Schmidt Phd student Top quark physics analysis
Dr. Dimbiniaina Soanasolo Rafanoharana PostDoc Top quark mass measurements
Pixel detector upgrade for the HL-LHC

Former Group Members

Name Position and period Next position
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Giacinto Piacquadio Visiting Scientist 2023-2024 Stony Brook, New York, USA
Dr. Hans-Günther Moser Staff, group leader until 2004 Halbleiterlabor der MPG, München, Germany
Prof. Dr. Jochen Schieck Staff until 2009 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Dr. Giorgio Cortiana PostDoc 2008-2016 EON, München, Germany
Dr. Nabil Ghodbane PostDoc 2005-2007 University Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France
Dr. Paola Giovannini PostDoc 2012 Infineon, Ottobrunn, Germany
Dr. Francesco Guescini PostDoc 2019-2023 MSC, Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Petra Haefner PostDoc 2009-2012 Universität Bonn, Germany
Dr. Tayfun Ince PostDoc 2012-2015 Adphorus, Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Javier Jiménez Peña PostDoc 2019-2022 IFAE, Barcelone, Spain
Dr. Alessandro La Rosa PostDoc 2015-2018 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Anna Macchiolo PostDoc 2007-2019 Universität Zürich, Schwitzerland
Dr. Ben Pearson PostDoc 2016-2019 Northwest Nazarene University, Idaho, USA
Dr. Merve Şahinsoy Karacasu PostDoc 2020-2024 Istinye University, Istanbul, Turkey
Martino Tanasini Visiting PostDoc 2023-2024 Stony Brook, New York, USA
Dr. Michael Wiesmann PostDoc 2004-2005 Endress und Hauser, Freising, Germany
Dr. Andrea Bangert Phd student 2005-2008 University of California Santa Cruz, USA
Dr. Michael Beimforde Phd student 2007-2010 ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
Dr. Julien-Christopher Beyer Phd student 2016-2019 Infineon Technologies, München, Germany
Dr. Tobias Göttfert Diploma- and Phd student 2005-2010 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Dipl. Phys. Miguel Angel Olivo Gomez Phd student 2005-2006 RWTH Aachen, Germany
Dr. Roland Härtel Diploma- and Phd student 2004-2009 Versicherungskammer Bayern, München, Germany
Dr. Šejla Hadžić Phd student 2020-2023 Halbleiterlabor der MPG, München, Germany
Storm Feng Lin Visiting Phd student 2023-2024 Stony Brook, New York, USA
Dr. Andreas Alexander Maier Diploma- and PhD student 2011-2016 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Regina Moles Valls Phd exchange student 2011 IFIC Valencia, Spain
Dr. Sophio Pataraia Phd student 2006-2010 University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Dr. Natascha Savić Phd student 2014-2018 Infineon Technologies, München, Germany
Dr. Stefano Terzo Phd student 2012-2016 IFAE, Barcelone, Spain
Dr. Philipp Weigell High school student intern, Diploma- and Phd student 2003, 2008-2013 Rohde & Schwarz, München, Germany
Dipl. Phys. Manuel Kayl Diploma student 2005-2006 NIKHEF, Amsterdam, Netherlands
M.Sc. Meghranjana Chatterjee Master student 2017-2018 Universität Bern, Switzerland
M.Sc. Botho Paschen Master student 2013-2014 Universität Bonn, Germany
M.Sc. Reem Hani Taibah Master student 2017-2018 LPNHE Paris, France
B.Sc. Martin Kroll Bachelor student 2014 Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Nicolas Barón Pérez Student trainee 2018-2020
Lukas Bergbreiter Student trainee 2015-2016
Janis Breuer Student trainee 2015-2016
Abishek Chikkaballi Ramalingegowda Student trainee 2018-2020
Lando von Etzel Student trainee 2022-2024
Matthias Sven Dörfler Student trainee 2019
Achim Gütlein Student trainee 2005
Martin Hofman Student trainee 2005
Ralf Kosyra Student trainee 2004-2005
Matthias Kurz Student trainee 2009
Michael Lutz Student trainee 2004-2005
Kieran Oswald Student trainee 2016-2017
Jörg Pierer Student trainee 2004-2005
Anja Reiter Student trainee 2009
Lorena Renkl Student trainee 2016-2017
Florian Rettenmeier Student trainee 2014-2015
Lars Rose Student trainee 2005
Michael Voithenleitner Student trainee 2019-2020
Michael Adersberger Student intern 2014
Alberto Cavallar Oriol Student intern 2019
Michael Ellenburg Student intern 2012
Martina Hurwitz Student intern 2003
Jan Luca Naumann Student intern 2015
Henrike Ohlendorf Student intern 2008
Kathrin Störig Student intern 2006
Pavel Adamec High school student intern 2016
Lucas Berner High school student intern 2012
Stefano Campostrini High school student intern 2013
Martin Götz High school student intern 2010
Christopher Hoff High school student intern 2010
Mohammad Mohammadi High school student intern 2018
Patrick Rall High school student intern 2009 + 2012
Arne Roggensack High school student intern 2003
Elia Schmidt High school student intern 2015
Lina Schmidt High school student intern 2017
Seán Sdahl High school student intern 2018
Gabriele Semino High school student intern 2011
Maximilian Wranick High school student intern 2009