Endcap Module Construction

A large activity at MPI was the assembly of 424 modules of the middle ring types. The production was performed within the CE-cluster in collaboration with the University of Freiburg, NIKHEF Amsterdam, the Charles University and Technical University, Prague and IHEP Protvino.

Disc8C The module to disc mounting has been done at Liverpool for endcap C and Nikhef for endcap A. The photo shows the first MPI modules mounted onto disc 8C.

Disc9C in Cylinder The discs have been inserted into the endcap cylinders. The photo shows the first disc of endcap C after insertion.

Related documents:

  1. Jochen Schieck, Endcap Modules for the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker presentation given at the RESMDD04 Conference, Florence, October 13, 2004, transparencies and write-up.
  2. Richard Nisius, Modulproduktion für den inneren Spurdetektor von ATLAS presentation given at the 2004 meeting of the German Physical Society, Mainz, March 31, 2004, transparencies.
  3. Richard Nisius, Endcap Modules for the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker presentation given at the RD03 Conference, Florence, September 29, 2003, transparencies and write-up.
  4. Richard Nisius, Modulproduktion für den inneren Spurdetektor von ATLAS presentation given at the 2003 meeting of the German Physical Society, Aachen, March 12, 2003, transparencies.

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