ATLAS Atlas SCT MPI module at MPI

Wir suchen Diplomanden und Doktoranden (Diploma and Phd students) zur Mitarbeit. Wenn Sie Interesse haben melden Sie sich bitte bei Richard Nisius.

Since 1996 the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) in München is participating in the world wide effort to build the SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) for the inner detector of ATLAS.

The MPI group has made major contributions to the SCT hardware in the fields of Module Design, Component Procurement, Endcap Module Construction, and Endcap Integration and Test at CERN. In addition we are engaged in software projects like the Detector Alignment based on charged particle tracks and the preparation of Top-quark Physics Analysis.

Some details of the various activities, together with some presentations and publications of the group, can be found following the links below.

Hardware Projects Software Projects
Module Design Inner Detector Alignment
Component Procurement Top-quark Physics Analysis
Endcap Module Construction
Endcap Integration and Test
R&D towards a novel Pixel detector

The presentations given at the weekly meetings can be found at the SCT agenda page