
Belle II: Picking the best data cherries with neural networks

The Belle II detector records about 5,000 collision events per second. However, only a fraction of these are of interest for physical questions. In order to distinguish the real signals from unusable data, the experiment uses “triggers”. Since the…

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Photo: M. Kuhlmann/MPP

MPP launches the Hanrieder Research Fellowship

The Max Planck Institute for Physics, together with the Hanrieder Foundation for Excellence, is initiating a new funding program. The Hanrieder Research Fellowship aims to support junior physicists from countries in Latin America in a targeted way.…

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3D design drawing of COSINUS in the Gran Sasso underground lab (LNGS) (Image: L. Giaffoni/U. di Sabatini/R. Stadler)

A new dark matter experiment: The search for a stand-alone signal

Until now, all experiments have been unable to detect the mysterious dark matter. All? Not quite. The DAMA experiment has been providing reliable signals for more than 20 years. The problem: To speak of a discovery in science, signals of dark matter…

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Students in the MPP's lecture hall. This will not be the case for the Masterclasses 2021: All events take place in a virtual format. (Photo: B. Wankerl/MPP)

Masterclasses: three digital workshops for high school students

Researching particle physics

First hand research: In February and March, three particle physics courses will be held for high-school students. On these days, participants will learn about research methods, identify elementary particles in particle collisions, and “visit”…

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The last measurements of the GERDA experiment were analyzed and published in 2020. The phote shows the experiment's opening in 2010. (Photo: MPP)

Final results and completion of the GERDA experiment

The search for neutrinoless double-beta decay continues with new LEGEND experiment

The GERDA experiment designed to prove the existence of neutrinoless double beta decay is coming to an end. The research collaboration has now evaluated the full data set produced by the experiment and published it in Physical Review Letters. Even…

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Test setup of the MADMAX experiments: At the transition between air and the disc material, the photon fraction generates radio waves that can be measured (Photo: MADMAX Collaboration)

Search for axions: MADMAX test setup at CERN

Whether axions exist is still up for debate. If they do exist, two open questions in particle physics could be resolved: The puzzle of what dark matter is made of – and the question of why the strong interaction, one of the four known forces in the…

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Week of particle physics: Roundtrip through the world of elementary particles

Germawide week of particle physics from 2-8 November - activities at the Max Planck Institute for Physics

How was the universe created? What are we made of? What does the “world machine” at CERN investigate? Science enthusiasts can pursue such questions during the Week of the Particle World from 2 to 8 November 2020. All over Germany, the locations of…

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Vorbereitung eines Kristalldetektors für das CRESST-Experiment (Foto: T. Dettlaff/MPP)

Small and sensitive: Crystals for the dark matter search

Café and Kosmos on November 3, 2020

This event will be in German language.

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Transport of a muon chamber to its destination (Photo: H. Kroha/MPP)

Installation of new muon detectors in the ATLAS experiment

Operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator has been resting since January of 2019. Although “resting” is not quite the right word: During the planned shutdown until early 2022, intensive work is being done on technical…

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(Bild: ESO)

The mystery of neutron stars

Café & Kosmos on September 22, 2020

Neutron stars are probably the most astounding objects in the universe. They are the remnants of supernova explosions. The core of a star collapses under its own gravity thereby squeezing matter in such a way that single atomic nuclei are solved in a…

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