
Dr. Simone Zoia (Photo: Yang Zhang/MPP)

Simone Zoia’s dissertation published in “Springer Theses"

“How dare we disturb the universe?"

Simone Zoia’s doctoral thesis in theoretical particle physics has been recognized as outstanding PhD research. The book series “Springer Theses" included his work on "Modern Analytic Methods for Scattering Amplitudes” in its program, a selection of…

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Dr. Jeanne Rubner (Photo: Astrid Eckert/TUM)

How to better communicate science – Talk on May 25, 2022

This year's lecture in the series "Science and Society" revolves around a topic that has gained enormous importance in the past pandemic years: the loss of trust in science. More and more people are sceptical or dismissive of research results - or…

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Francesca Capel (Photo: Axel Griesch/MPP)

Francesca Capel heads new research group at MPP

The Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) welcomes Francesca Capel. Starting May 1, 2022, the postdoctoral researcher will head a working group for the closer study of astrophysical particles - cosmic rays and neutrinos. These high-energy particles…

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The binary star system RS Ophiuchi: Matter flows from the red giant onto the white dwarf. The newly added stellar envelopes explode in a bright nova about every 15 years. (Artwork:

MAGIC telescopes observe nova explosion

Nova outbursts are apparently a source for cosmic rays

The MAGIC telescopes have observed the nova RS Ophiuchi shining brightly in gamma rays at extremely high energy. The Gamma rays emanate from protons that are accelerated to very high energies in the shock front following the explosion. This suggests…

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Students in the MPP's lecture hall. This will not be the case for the Masterclasses 2022: All events take place in a virtual format. (Photo: B. Wankerl/MPP)

Particle physics workshops for students

International Masterclasses: research in particle physics

Research like in real life! In March and April, two particle physics courses are held for pupils from 10th grade upwards. During these days, participants learn about research methods, identify elementary particles in particle collisions and "visit"…

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 Alejandro Rodriguez (Photo: B. Wankerl/MPP)

„First of all, apply“

Interview with the Hanrieder Research Fellow Alejandro Rodriguez

Alejandro Rodriguez, the first Hanrieder Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Physics, calls up for new candidates to apply. The PhD student from the University of Buenos Aires spent a research stay in the string theory group of the…

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War in Ukraine – statement of the MPP

The Max Planck Institute for Physics condemns Russia's attack on Ukraine and the increasing violence against the population of this country. Our sympathy and solidarity goes out to all those who are holding out in the cities; to the many who have to…

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View into the interior of the main spectrometer of the KATRIN experiment for the determination of the neutrino mass (Photo: Joachim Wolf/KIT)

New data from the KATRIN experiment: Neutrinos are lighter than 0.8 electronvolts

The international KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN), located at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has broken an important "barrier" in neutrino physics which is relevant for both particle physics and cosmology. Based on data…

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Quantum Gravity: German-Israeli cooperation signed and sealed

Israel's Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) will collaborate closely in the field of quantum gravity. The German Research Foundation (DFG) recently approved a three-year cooperation project that is…

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Erection of the water tank in the COSINUS experiment (Photos: U. di Sabatino/LNGS)

Dark Matter Experiment COSINUS: Preparations are in full swing

The construction of the COSINUS experiment in the underground laboratory at Gran Sasso LNGS (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) is making great progress. The first large component has been erected in the last weeks. It is a water tank (7 meter in…

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