
The MPP-team "Teilchenbeschleuniger" at this year's B2Run in Munich (Photo: private)

B2Run in Munich: Team “Teilchenbeschleuniger” at the start

After the MPP team was unable to start in 2018 due to a violent thunderstorm, the anticipation this year was all the greater - and rightly so: The 18 athletes completed the 6.1 kilometer course in the Olympic Park in bright sunshine.

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The black hole in the center of galaxy M87 (Image: Event Horizon Telescope)

Café & Kosmos on July 30, 2019: Black holes - remote and near

Café & Kosmos on July 30, 2019

Recently the Event Horizon Telescope published the first image of a black hole - or, to put it more precisey, of the center of the galaxy M87. Even if we cannot observe objects like this directly (actually the image shows the shadow of a black hole,…

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Dr. Karoline Schäffner

Karoline Schäffner heads new Max Planck Research Group

A new research group is starting at the Max Planck Institute for Physics, which is setting up another experiment for the detection of dark matter, called COSINUS. It is headed by Dr. Karoline Schäffner, who most recently conducted research at the…

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Post card for download

1 June 2019 - Open Day at the Max Planck Institute for Physics

Two particles run into each other ...

From A for Axion to Z for Z boson: The Max Planck Institute for Physics will be opening its doors to the public again from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m on June 1, 2019.

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One of the detector modules in the CRESST experiment

How much does dark matter weigh? CRESST explores new mass ranges

CRESST erobert neue Massebereiche

A variety of astronomical and cosmological observations have now placed the existence of dark matter beyond dispute. However, no experiment has yet succeeded in establishing just what dark matter is made of. For many years, scientists have been…

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Lena Funcke (Credit: Gabriela Secara, Perimeter Institute)

Lena Funcke to receive Dieter Rampacher Prize

Lena Funcke completed her doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Physics at the age of just 23. For her outstanding doctoral thesis, she receives the Dieter Rampacher Prize, which is awarded annually by the Max Planck Society to its youngest…

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Artistic view of collisions in Belle II

Searching for disappeared anti-matter: A successful start to measurements with Belle II

The Belle II detector got off to a successful start in Japan. Since March 25, 2019, the instrument has been measuring the first particle collisions, which are generated in the modernized SuperKEKB accelerator. The new duo produces more than 50 times…

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The principle of AWAKE acceleration: electrons surf on a proton-generated plasma wave. (Image: Jorge Vieira / IST Lisbon, Portugal)

When particles ride the wave: The particle accelerators of the future (II)

Café & Kosmos on April 17, 2019

Woraus besteht Dunkle Materie? Wie lassen sich die kuriosen Eigenschaften von Neutrinos erklären? Um Fragen wie diese zu beantworten, suchen Wissenschaftler nach „Neuer Physik“, die sich mit Hilfe von Teilchenbeschleunigern wie dem Large Hadron…

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Picture of a proton beam split into smal bunches

AWAKE: How to slice a proton beam

Having successfully accelerated electrons riding on a plasma wave, scientists in the AWAKE project continue to study and improve the underlying processes. Over the past few months a great deal of effort has been put into understanding how the…

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The telescopes of the CTA observatory on the southern hemisphere (Image: CTAO/M-A. Besel/IAC (G.P. Diaz)/ESO)

Final agreement for CTA southern hemisphere array in Chile

On 19 December 2018, the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) Council and European Southern Observatory (ESO) signed the final agreements needed for CTA’s southern hemisphere array to be hosted near ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile.

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