Press releases

Installation of an sMDT chamber in the ATLAS detector in December 2020. The chamber is lowered through the access shaft into the ATLAS cavern at a depth of 100 meters (Photo: ATLAS/CERN)

Installation of an sMDT chamber in the ATLAS detector in December 2020. The chamber is lowered through the access shaft into the ATLAS cavern at a depth of 100 meters (Photo: ATLAS/CERN)

New muon detectors for the ATLAS experiment

MPP completes first detector project for the High Luminosity LHC

The modernization of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will begin at the end of 2025. The aim is to increase the rate of particle collisions, collect ten times more data and thus gain new insights. The "high luminosity" stage of the LHC (HL-LHC) also requires a conversion of the experiments in which the collisions take place. The ATLAS experiment will be equipped with a new type of muon detector, a project for which the Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) is responsible. 96 of these muon chambers have been manufactured in recent years and are ready for installation. The MPP has thus successfully completed the first detector project for the HL-LHC.

The ATLAS experiment is currently measuring decays from proton-proton collisions with a maximum energy of 13.6 teraelectronvolts. Over the next few years, the LHC at CERN will undergo the largest upgrade since it was commissioned in 2009. When it will be restarted in 2029, the luminosity of the accelerator ring is expected to be five times the current value. Luminosity is the measure of the rate at which protons collide at the LHC. By 2040, the scientists involved in the ATLAS experiment want to collect ten times more data than before.

With this increase in data, more precise measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson and other parameters in the standard model are possible. In addition, the various theories that predict new phenomena and particles beyond the Standard Model can be put to the test. "In the future, we will be able to cast a wider net for the direct search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model - for example, for the detection of supersymmetric partners of the known elementary particles or for dark matter particles in the universe," explains Hubert Kroha, project leader of the ATLAS myon detector group at the MPP. "The HL-LHC will dominate high-energy physics until a new, even more powerful accelerator is built, which is currently the subject of intense debate."

Technical innovations in the ATLAS detector

The central track detector will be replaced by a detector consisting entirely of silicon modules.

  • In the cylindrical central part of the ATLAS muon spectrometer, which allows high-precision measurements of the trajectories and energy of the muons, the previous muon drift tube (MDT) detectors in the innermost detector layer are being replaced by new so-called sMDT chambers with drift tubes of half the diameter.
  • These chambers will be connected to a new generation of resistive plate (RPC) trigger chambers. Both can handle an order of magnitude higher particle count rates and have a ten times longer lifetime under irradiation at the HL-LHC than previous versions.
  • The electronics of all detector elements, especially the muon detectors, as well as the trigger system must be completely renewed.

Fast decisions in the trigger system

The trigger system plays an important role in data recording and analysis at the LHC - and even more so at the HL-LHC. It decides which collisions with muons are relevant for evaluation in terms of their energy. This drastically reduces the amount of data to be processed.

In order to optimize the selectivity of the trigger decision, the working group at the MPP has developed a forward-looking concept. In future, the drift tube chambers responsible for precise muon energy measurement at ATLAS will also be used for the trigger decision, which must take place within a millionth of a second. The realization requires new readout electronics and fast algorithms for the reconstruction of the muon tracks by the trigger processors.

Fine muon chambers - high-precision measurements

The sMDT chambers have been developed at the MPP since 2008 and are now a “trademark” of the MPP. The institute created the concept for upgrading the ATLAS muon detector for HL-LHC, designed the sMDT chambers and the new MDT readout chips, electronic boards and MDT trigger processors, and developed new methods for the large-scale production of RPC chambers in industry. In addition, a new robotized assembly facility in clean rooms was created in the new institute building in Garching for the production of fast RPC detectors.

The sMDT chambers consist of two quadruple layers of drift tubes. They each contain almost 500 drift tubes measuring 1.6 meters in length. For the high-precision measurements, the wires must be positioned in the drift tubes with an accuracy of at least 20 micrometers. An innovative design of the drift tubes was required for precise assembly. The positions of all measuring wires were checked for each chamber immediately after construction using an automatic measuring device on the MPP. This showed that the wires could be positioned with an accuracy of 5 micrometers, which marks a world record for this detector size (several square meters).

Completion after only three years

The first 22 chambers of this type have been in operation in the ATLAS experiment for years. The last installation in the ATLAS detector took place at the end of 2020. The construction of 96 new sMDT chambers for ATLAS at the HL-LHC is the first detector construction project of the upgrade program to be started and completed - an important milestone for the entire ATLAS collaboration. The construction of the sMDT chamber was shouldered by the MPP and the University of Michigan and coordinated by MPP. After two years of preparation, construction began in January 2020 at the MPP and three months later in Michigan. Construction of the MPP share of 48 chambers was completed on schedule in December 2022 after two years of intensive work, followed by Michigan in September 2023.

The chambers have now all been shipped to CERN, where they are waiting in a special assembly hall to be combined with the new RPC detectors, which the MPP is also responsible for assembling and installing. The test of all chambers on site showed the same excellent performance as before at MPP.