
Ceremonial handover of the key (Photo: Axel Griesch/MPP)

Ceremonial inauguration of the new MPP building - an important step towards an innovative future

In the presence of guests of honor Dr. Markus Söder, Minister President of Bavaria, Markus Blume, Minister of State for Science and the Arts, and Prof. Patrick Cramer, President of the Max Planck Society, the inauguration of the new institute…

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Image: CERN

70 years of CERN: Milestones in particle physics

Café & Kosmos on 24 September 2024

70 years ago, CERN was founded near Geneva in Switzerland. This was also the birth of an unprecedented research project: the planning and construction of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a particle accelerator with which researchers from all over the…

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Image: NASA/wikimedia commons

Science in zero gravity

Café & Kosmos on July 16, 2024

Without the force of gravity, many things behave very differently than we are used to: A burning candle, for example, is not a yellow flame in zero gravity, but a bluish ball. Soap bubbles turn out to be surprisingly thick-skinned, and grains form…

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Chip technologies play an important role in particle physics: they process experimental data, for example from collision experiments, telescope recordings or dark matter detection instruments (Photo: matejmo/iStock)

MPI for Physics launches international initiative for chip technology

First meeting of the FPGA Developers’ Forum from 11-13 June, 2024

Whether telescopes, collision experiments or detectors for the detection of dark matter, in experimental particle physics, nothing works without FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). Thanks to their reprogrammable capacity and their great…

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The LST-4 is one of the three telescopes currently under construction at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma (Photo: Alice Donini)

Under construction: New Cherenkov telescopes on La Palma

The LST-1 is getting company. The prototype of the Large-Sized Telescope (LST) was previously the sole representative of this type of telescope at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma. Construction of the three remaining LST-2, LST-3…

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The torus is an auxiliary geometric object for calculating the interaction of gravitons. If the torus is cut into two halves, two cylinders are created that represent the respective interactions of two gauge theories (Graphics: S. Stieberger/MPP)

String theory: gravity and the standard model move closer together

The topic is considered THE classic dilemma in physics: the incompatibility of the quantum world - the description of the smallest building blocks of matter - with space-time in the universe, which is in the regime of gravity. With string theory,…

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MADMAX tests at CERN. The picture shows the experiment before dismantling. The nitrogen-filled balloon has an important task: it helps to bring the experiment, which has been cooled down to almost -270 degrees, back to room temperature (Photo: CERN)

Search for axions: Important milestones and first physics results

Dark matter could answer many open questions about the nature and rules of the universe with a single discovery. Various experiments around the world are hunting for dark matter, for example the CRESST and COSINUS experiments, the latter of which has…

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The AWAKE experiment at CERN (Photo: CERN/IST)

Plasma instability provides model for magnetism in space

What does the future of acceleration physics look like? Researchers in the AWAKE project have been working on a new approach for years. A proton beam generates a plasma wave on which particles can be accelerated. A recently published study takes a…

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Photomultipliers are installed in the COSINUS experiment to filter out unwanted background noise caused by cosmic rays (Photo: Astrid Eckert/MPP)

Dark matter: testing a controversial signal

Café & Kosmos on June 18, 2024

There are around 20 experiments worldwide searching for the mysterious dark matter. So far, none has been able to detect the substance - with one exception: the DAMA/LIBRA experiment has been claiming to measure a signal since 1998. However, no other…

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View of the Perseus cluster of galaxies (Image: ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, image processing by J.-C. Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay), G. Anselmi)

Structure on large scales and the history of the universe

Café & Kosmos on 14 May, 2024

The large-scale distribution of galaxies contains important information about the initial conditions in the early universe and how the cosmos has evolved since then. In particular, they help to unravel the nature of the dark energy that is…

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