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    Suchergebnis: 7917 Publikationen passen auf ihre Suche. Die Liste fängt mit den jüngsten Publikationen an: (6221 - 6230)

    MPP-2008-9 MAGIC observations of the unidentified TeV gamma-ray source TeV J2032+4130, J. Albert, Astrophys.J.L. 675 (2008) L25, arxiv:0801.2391 (abs), (pdf), (ps), Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
    [MAGIC], [Article]

    MPP-2008-8 Two-loop electroweak Sudakov logarithms for massive fermion scattering, A.Denner, B.Jantzen, S.Pozzorini, PoS , RADCOR2007 (2007) 002, arxiv:0801.2647 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2008-8, PSI-PR-08-01, Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2008-7 Generalized Chern-Simons Terms and Chiral Anomalies in N=1 Supersymmetry, Marco Zagermann, Lie Theory and its Applications to Physics, 2007, arxiv:0801.1666 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2008-7, Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
    [Field Theory], [Conference-Paper]

    MPP-2008-6 Power of Black Hole Physics: Seeing through the Vacuum Landscape, Gia Dvali, Dieter Lust, JHEP 0806 (2008) 047, arxiv:0801.1287 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-PH-TH/2008-003, LMU-ASC 01/08, MPP-2008-6, Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
    [Theoretical Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2008-5 The LHC String Hunter's Companion, Dieter Lust, Stephan Stieberger, Tomasz R. Taylor, Nucl.Phys.B 808 (2009) 1-52, arxiv:0807.3333 (abs), (pdf), (ps), (Externer Link zum Volltext), Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
    [Theoretical Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2008-4 Polarized QED splittings of massive fermions and dipole subtraction for non-collinear-safe observables, Stefan Dittmaier, Alois Kabelschacht, Tobias Kasprzik, Nucl.Phys.B 800 (2008) 146-189, arxiv:0802.1405 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2008-4, Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
    [Phenomenology of High Energy Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2008-3 Spectral split in prompt supernova neutrino burst: Analytic three-flavor treatment, B.Dasgupta, A.Dighe, A.Mirizzi, G.G.Raffelt, Phys.Rev.D 77 (2008) 113007, arxiv:0801.1660 (abs), (pdf), (ps), MPP-2008-3, Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
    [Astroparticle Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2008-1 Open & Closed vs. Pure Open String Disk Amplitudes, Stephan Stieberger, arxiv:0907.2211 (abs), (pdf), (ps), (Externer Link zum Volltext), Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
    [Theoretical Physics], [Article]

    MPP-2007-304 The ATLAS semiconductor tracker end-cap module, A. Abdesselam, P.J. Adkin, P.P. Allport, J. Alonso, et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 475 (2007) 353-389, (Externer Link zum Volltext).
    [Semiconductor Detectors], [Article]

    MPP-2007-303 A novel approach to track finding in a drift tube chamber, D.Primor, O.Kortner, G.Mikenberg, H.Messer, J.Inst. 2 (2007) P01009, (Externer Link zum Volltext).
    [ATLAS], [Article]