Suchergebnis: 7704 Publikationen passen auf ihre Suche. Die Liste fängt mit den jüngsten Publikationen an: (31 - 40)
MPP-2025-11 New techniques for reconstructing, calibrating and identifying hadronic objects with ATLAS, Sven Menke, Blois 2024, ATL-PHYS-PROC-2025-006, (Externer Link zum Volltext).
[ATLAS], [Conference-Paper]
MPP-2025-8 Configuration, Performance, and Commissioning of the ATLAS $b$-jet Triggers for the 2022 and 2023 LHC data-taking periods, ATLAS Collaboration, J.Inst. 20 (2025) P03002, arxiv:2501.11420 (abs), (pdf), (ps), CERN-EP-2025-004, (Externer Link zum Volltext), Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
[ATLAS], [Article]
MPP-2025-7 Measurement of $CP$ asymmetries in $B^0 \to K^0_S π^0 γ$ decays at Belle II, I. Adachi et al., The Belle-II Collaboration, Phys.Rev.Lett. 134 (2025) 011802, arxiv:2407.09139 (abs), (pdf), (ps), Belle II Preprint 2024-009, KEK Preprint 2024-1, (Externer Link zum Volltext), Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
[Belle II], [Article]
MPP-2025-3 New Facilities for the Production of 1 mm gap Resistive Plate Chambers for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, F. Fallavollita, O. Kortner, H. Kroha, P. Maly, et al., arxiv:2501.04756 (abs), (pdf), (ps), (Externer Link zum Volltext), Eintrag bei inSPIRE.
[ATLAS], [Conference-Paper]
MPP-2024-380 Selection of $\tau\to K\pi\pi\nu_\tau$ Decays for Data from the Belle II Experiment, Arina Katscho, TU München, Garching (2024), (Externer Link zum Volltext).
[Belle II], [Bachelor-Thesis]
MPP-2024-379 Study of sPlot Background Subtraction for Particle Identification Efficiency Determination at Belle II, Lars von der Werth, TU München, Garching (2024), (Externer Link zum Volltext).
[Belle II], [Bachelor-Thesis]
MPP-2024-378 Implementing the TabNet Deep Learning Algorithm for Selecting $\tau^-\to\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+\nu_\tau$ Events from Belle II Data, Yannik Fausch, TU München, Garching (2024), (Externer Link zum Volltext).
[Belle II], [Bachelor-Thesis]
MPP-2024-377 Electron scattering in cryogenic scintillating calorimeters for rare event searches, Elisa Gaido, (Volltext), TU München, München (2024-10-30).
[Astroparticle Physics], [Bachelor-Thesis]
MPP-2024-376 Combined measurements of Higgs couplings, cross-sections and interpretation at the ATLAS experiment, C. Li, PoS 449, EPS-HEP2023 (2024) 385, (Externer Link zum Volltext).
[ATLAS], [Conference-Paper]
MPP-2024-375 Performance of new generation of Resistive Plate Chambers operating with alternative gas mixtures, Giorgia Proto, (Volltext).
[ATLAS], [Conference-Paper]